Babies, just be born, have beautiful eyes.
'Cause they have seen nothing dirty so far.
They sometimes cry loud.
It may help them to reflesh their feelings.
That's why they have beautiful hearts.
How about us? We've seen so many things.
But it doesn't mean we can make a right decision.
This world where fights never end.
People who have lost their pure hearts.
Unconsciously they turn to wrong ways.
If everyone has the intention to protect someone important.
This world will be much more beautiful.
This world will be much more peaceful.
I close my eyes, saying “good night”to my love.
Looking at you, thinking to protect you.
With love in my eyes, I promise you I will protect you.
For now just trust me and say “good night”.
'Cause they have seen nothing dirty so far.
They sometimes cry loud.
It may help them to reflesh their feelings.
That's why they have beautiful hearts.
How about us? We've seen so many things.
But it doesn't mean we can make a right decision.
This world where fights never end.
People who have lost their pure hearts.
Unconsciously they turn to wrong ways.
If everyone has the intention to protect someone important.
This world will be much more beautiful.
This world will be much more peaceful.
I close my eyes, saying “good night”to my love.
Looking at you, thinking to protect you.
With love in my eyes, I promise you I will protect you.
For now just trust me and say “good night”.
- 杜の都のオカマーチ / Mr.2ボン・クレー(矢尾一樹)
- 償いの日々 / 財津和夫・原みどり
- No No Lies / ReN
- 立川ドライヴ / 甲斐バンド
- フィエスタ(シングル・バージョン) / DIAMANTES
- 名無しでにょろ~ん / ちゅるやさん(松岡由貴)
- 浪花灯り / 川中美幸
- 雪だより / 下田逸郎
- 利他の心 / Uken
- 地上に舞い降りた天使達 / 田村直美
- KI・ZU・NA~忘れないよ~ / K×ET-KING
- すっぴん / Narita
- Intercode / w-inds.
- 僕じゃダメなの? / CHAE JIN(MYNAME)
- ありがとう / 永山尚太
- I Will / Rico
- TENCAを取ろう! -内田の野望- / 内田有紀
- dione / アンド
- 海 / 熊谷育美
- Good Day / ベリーグッドマン
- ふるさとのはなしをしよう / 三山ひろし
- くたびれ詩人 / ハンバート ハンバート
- 夕陽の恋人 / 森田健作
- メリー・メン / TOKYO No.1 SOUL SET
- それを知らない / 笹川美和
- 透明 / 赤い公園
- さすらいのニコチン野郎 / THE BLUE HEARTS
- ドラえもん数えうた / 大山のぶ代・こおろぎ'73