Babies, just be born, have beautiful eyes.
'Cause they have seen nothing dirty so far.
They sometimes cry loud.
It may help them to reflesh their feelings.
That's why they have beautiful hearts.
How about us? We've seen so many things.
But it doesn't mean we can make a right decision.
This world where fights never end.
People who have lost their pure hearts.
Unconsciously they turn to wrong ways.
If everyone has the intention to protect someone important.
This world will be much more beautiful.
This world will be much more peaceful.
I close my eyes, saying “good night”to my love.
Looking at you, thinking to protect you.
With love in my eyes, I promise you I will protect you.
For now just trust me and say “good night”.
'Cause they have seen nothing dirty so far.
They sometimes cry loud.
It may help them to reflesh their feelings.
That's why they have beautiful hearts.
How about us? We've seen so many things.
But it doesn't mean we can make a right decision.
This world where fights never end.
People who have lost their pure hearts.
Unconsciously they turn to wrong ways.
If everyone has the intention to protect someone important.
This world will be much more beautiful.
This world will be much more peaceful.
I close my eyes, saying “good night”to my love.
Looking at you, thinking to protect you.
With love in my eyes, I promise you I will protect you.
For now just trust me and say “good night”.
- stereo / 錦戸亮(関ジャニ∞)
- 女神 / ウルフルズ
- 君の愛に包まれて痛い / 三枝夕夏 IN db
- 笑ウ仮面 / カメラマンズ
- Juice / くるりとリップスライム
- THANxx / 鴨川
- 檸檬 / Polaris
- Image of Tomorrow / Iceman
- Bad Kids All Bet / RAISE A SUILEN
- あくび / 松たか子
- Escape / MISIA
- 翼をください / 平原綾香
- 人生を語らず / 中村あゆみ
- アズライトブルー / 逢田梨香子
- My Song / Girls Dead Monster
- 美老人 / 大槻ケンヂミステリ文庫
- Once Again / 諫山実生
- 安里屋ユンタ / 沖縄民謡
- 雨のち晴れ / テゴマス
- Shikato / とんねるず
- Dreamer / 武川アイ
- ミラクル / NOKKO
- 太陽光線 / 山根康広
- fanfare / Mr.Children
- Route 18 / ジン
- 女房殿 亭主殿 / 門脇陸男・水沢明美
- TAWAWA 夏ビキニ / 時東ぁみ with THE ポッシボー(大瀬楓・諸塚香奈実)
- 愛らしく / Jackson vibe