If I could have a nickel
For every favour done, would life be fair?
The world would be my own, and
I'd be the only millionaire
To live this fantasy
Our goals are in the reach of
Being whatever we might want to be
Now is the time to use our
Mystical powers that we share
I see it in the air
Don't let me down
Don't let me down
Don't, don't, don't let me down
I know that I've discovered
The peace of mind just knowing right from wrong
Wish I could be the one to
Tell all the world to sing along
We don't survive by dreams
Our goals are in the reach of
Being whatever we might want to be
Now is the time to use our
Mystical powers that we share
I see it in the air
Fate will lead us to our destiny
Our destiny
Fate will lead us to our destiny
Our destiny
For every favour done, would life be fair?
The world would be my own, and
I'd be the only millionaire
To live this fantasy
Our goals are in the reach of
Being whatever we might want to be
Now is the time to use our
Mystical powers that we share
I see it in the air
Don't let me down
Don't let me down
Don't, don't, don't let me down
I know that I've discovered
The peace of mind just knowing right from wrong
Wish I could be the one to
Tell all the world to sing along
We don't survive by dreams
Our goals are in the reach of
Being whatever we might want to be
Now is the time to use our
Mystical powers that we share
I see it in the air
Fate will lead us to our destiny
Our destiny
Fate will lead us to our destiny
Our destiny
- 埼玉県さいたま市立大砂土中学校校歌 / 校歌
- 港ヨコハマ花売娘 / 岡晴夫
- 繋がる心 / 絢香
- ナマイキMONSTER / トニートニー・チョッパー(大谷育江)
- メイプルーフ / ひめキュンフルーツ缶
- 風の花束 / ののちゃん(村方乃々佳)
- All Season / 陣内大蔵
- お嬢さんは甘いものがお好き / 中村メイコ
- 銀のかんざし / 朝花美穂
- Keep Crawling / BONNIE PINK
- What about me? / BONNIE PINK
- Reason / 陣内大蔵
- 千葉県八街市立八街中央中学校校歌 / 校歌
- 飾りの言葉 / 牧謙次郎
- dream girl / 宇野実彩子 (AAA)
- ジェヘナ / 25時、ナイトコードで。
- 道しるべ / 絢香
- フォーリン・ラブ / 7!!
- 星でも眺めよう / 小松優一
- Hibari… / Jamgo Five
- 上海帰りのリル / 北島三郎
- T.S.R.Q / コーガニズムオーケストラ
- 爆音サイレンサー / ザ・クロマニヨンズ
- もりのくにから / 森久保乃々(高橋花林)
- SILENT CITY / 佐々木真里
- きのこ / ののちゃん(村方乃々佳)
- 楽園 / 斉藤壮馬
- 嗚呼! もう夏は! / ザ・クロマニヨンズ
- Prejudice / 陣内大蔵
- Candle / 麗美・陣内大蔵