Hey you! You made up your mind yet?
Take care! Don't lose your spirit!
The doubt in your heart seeps in if you're careless.
We're all such stupid living beings.
No more in the end than simple cells.
Won't move without a carrot in front of us.
Doesn't matter who you wanna talk to.
Answer's there before you even talk.
Of course risk is an all or nothing bet!
“Hey! Why don't you tell the truth?!”
Don't you get annoyed at actors in soaps?
But aren't you making your own drama?
Even if your soul was cold,
if your words are filled with passion and warmth,
it wouldn't matter if you're cold-hearted.
Take care! Don't lose your spirit!
The doubt in your heart seeps in if you're careless.
We're all such stupid living beings.
No more in the end than simple cells.
Won't move without a carrot in front of us.
Doesn't matter who you wanna talk to.
Answer's there before you even talk.
Of course risk is an all or nothing bet!
“Hey! Why don't you tell the truth?!”
Don't you get annoyed at actors in soaps?
But aren't you making your own drama?
Even if your soul was cold,
if your words are filled with passion and warmth,
it wouldn't matter if you're cold-hearted.
- しろつめ草 / こおり健太
- Judgement / 西川貴教
- メリーバッドエンド / まふまふ(After the Rain)
- 急上昇JUMP↑ / ハレンチ☆パンチ
- 色悪 / cali≠gari
- One Way / 佐伯ユウスケ
- サヨナラを言えなくて / 金月真美
- Cakes / Homecomings
- 愛とは… duet with Ms.OOJA / 黒沢薫
- カサブタ / 石田燿子
- マチルダ / 水曜日のカンパネラ
- #未来の話をしよう / MAY'S
- あなたが眠るまで / ANTENA
- EVOLVE / 蒼井翔太
- 花びら / リリィ、さよなら。
- 大好きのタカラバコ / シンボリルドルフ(田所あずさ)、ナリタブライアン(相坂優歌)、エアグルーヴ(青木瑠璃子)
- STARRY / sona
- Missing You / 當山みれい
- 何年片想い / 近藤夏子
- LITTLE シークレット / 蘭花・フランボワーズ(田村ゆかり)
- 未完成の翼 / SYU(from GALNERYUS)
- facebookとチューインガム / kainatsu
- Luminous / UROBOROS
- Bad, Bad Boys / スターダスト☆レビュー
- Special Kiss / なにわ男子
- Never Ending Love story / 野水伊織
- スケール美術館 / GOOD ON THE REEL
- 宝物 / 花*花
- 君を想う / SHU-I