Hey you! You made up your mind yet?
Take care! Don't lose your spirit!
The doubt in your heart seeps in if you're careless.
We're all such stupid living beings.
No more in the end than simple cells.
Won't move without a carrot in front of us.
Doesn't matter who you wanna talk to.
Answer's there before you even talk.
Of course risk is an all or nothing bet!
“Hey! Why don't you tell the truth?!”
Don't you get annoyed at actors in soaps?
But aren't you making your own drama?
Even if your soul was cold,
if your words are filled with passion and warmth,
it wouldn't matter if you're cold-hearted.
Take care! Don't lose your spirit!
The doubt in your heart seeps in if you're careless.
We're all such stupid living beings.
No more in the end than simple cells.
Won't move without a carrot in front of us.
Doesn't matter who you wanna talk to.
Answer's there before you even talk.
Of course risk is an all or nothing bet!
“Hey! Why don't you tell the truth?!”
Don't you get annoyed at actors in soaps?
But aren't you making your own drama?
Even if your soul was cold,
if your words are filled with passion and warmth,
it wouldn't matter if you're cold-hearted.
- 大切 / LIFriends
- 天まで届く風 / 中孝介
- 真冬のライオン / 前田亘輝
- Make My Day / LEO
- ポーツス / モノブライト
- Cheerio! / 高野寛
- 愛遙かに / 川奈ルミ
- Next Life / 我那覇響(沼倉愛美)
- 新世界 / cinema staff
- ホログラム / Angelo
- あ、そ、か / 橋本絵莉子
- かっこつかないぜ? / Lancelot
- きらりんロボのテーマ / 諸星きらり(松嵜麗)
- クローゼット・ミュージック feat. 朝日奈丸佳 / 山村響
- Hope to see you again / Carat
- ジェット気流 / ROBOTS
- コック ア ドゥードゥル / cali≠gari
- HOME / 川畑要
- By myself / ReoNa
- Ace of Swords / Minami
- ウィンターワンダーランド / サラ・オレイン
- RING DING DONG / King & Prince
- 真夏の果実 / テレサ・テン
- Pink Lemonade feat. The Attire / AmPm
- MIKATA / ソナーポケット
- go on / 白石蔵ノ介(細谷佳正)
- ラフミーテンダー / 白銀ノエル
- 未完成の翼 / SYU(from GALNERYUS)