Gently you're pressing my hand in my heart
And a cursor is moving and leaving some space
Without the sound of a key
Do you hear my heartbeat crossing the line
Do you feel your blood run out of your heart
The meaning is leaving from a harbour of words
And they're drying the ocean, absorbing the tears
And I feel all the same
While nothing's staying the same
Do you hear my footsteps climbing down stairs
Do you feel these thousands of needles
Running through you
So don't break my heart
Have you ever heard teardrops
-They're drying the ocean of mine
Have you ever seen the date line
That lies between us to part
And drys the ocean of tears
Do you hear my heartbeat crossing the line
Do you feel your blood run out of your heart
Do you hear my footsteps climbing down stairs
Do you feel these thousands of needles
Running through you
So don't break my heart
And a cursor is moving and leaving some space
Without the sound of a key
Do you hear my heartbeat crossing the line
Do you feel your blood run out of your heart
The meaning is leaving from a harbour of words
And they're drying the ocean, absorbing the tears
And I feel all the same
While nothing's staying the same
Do you hear my footsteps climbing down stairs
Do you feel these thousands of needles
Running through you
So don't break my heart
Have you ever heard teardrops
-They're drying the ocean of mine
Have you ever seen the date line
That lies between us to part
And drys the ocean of tears
Do you hear my heartbeat crossing the line
Do you feel your blood run out of your heart
Do you hear my footsteps climbing down stairs
Do you feel these thousands of needles
Running through you
So don't break my heart
- Sissy / INORAN & Luke“Spacer”Gordon
- あゝ諸事情 / メトロノーム
- ヒマワリ -2011- / みひろ
- 家族びより / 冨永裕輔
- HERO / 水越結花
- 尽くす / 笹川美和
- Is that your secret? / Team E(SKE48)
- 喧嘩するほど、、仲悪い! / マブダッチ
- おたすけ!およよマン / 花田ゆういちろう、小野あつこ
- 人生最後に思い出すであろう君へ / えに
- 東京ルネッサンス / revenus
- 負けないで / 泉こなた(平野綾)・柊かがみ(加藤英美里)・柊つかさ(福原香織)・高良みゆき(遠藤綾)
- Sweetest Scarlet / Nerissa Ravencroft
- しゅわわせ
/ わんちゃんわんわんねこにゃんにゃん
- 妻になりたい / ユナイテッドモンモンサン
- 気持ち / 空気公団
- Marbles / ArtTheaterGuild
- 君の帰る場所 / 時任三郎
- 東京こえー / サバシスター
- 流れ星 / 笹川美和
- Stay on Course
/ ドリームジャーニー(吉岡茉祐)
- きみはぼくさー / ユナイテッドモンモンサン
- 人生リセットボタン covered by 鐡うの(Aicong) / Imgramox Music
- Legend-Changer (Game Size) / オグリキャップ(高柳知葉)、エルコンドルパサー(高橋ミナミ)、ナリタブライアン(衣川里佳)、シンボリルドルフ(田所あずさ)、シーキングザパール(福原綾香)、スマートファルコン(大和田仁美)、ミスターシービー(天海由梨奈)、キタサンブラック(矢野妃菜喜)、シリウスシンボリ(ファイルーズあい)、メジロラモーヌ(東山奈央)、ホッコータルマエ(菊池紗矢香)、シーザリオ(佐藤榛夏)、オルフェーヴル(日笠陽子)、ジェンティルドンナ(芹澤優)、アーモンドアイ(石原夏織)、実況(女性)(明坂聡美)
- 愛遥かに (DA TROPPO TEMPO) / 秋元順子
- radiosong / ユナイテッドモンモンサン
- メロディ / KAITA
- panorama / the shes gone
- Paradise Lost / DaizyStripper
- 知りたい covered by 反田葉月
/ Imgramox Music