What's the most important thing?
I don't know. I don't find a way.
What am I gonna do?
I thought I choice the way for myself.
Tell me.
Even though I think I should normal.
I know I can't keep going this way forever.
What am I lacking of?
Time flies so fast.
“You are so clever”
Am I doing good enough?
I work on a smile and I walk.
I get use it slowly.
“You are so clever”
Am I doing good enough?
I wish I could go back to my youth.
I don't know. I don't find a way.
What am I gonna do?
I thought I choice the way for myself.
Tell me.
Even though I think I should normal.
I know I can't keep going this way forever.
What am I lacking of?
Time flies so fast.
“You are so clever”
Am I doing good enough?
I work on a smile and I walk.
I get use it slowly.
“You are so clever”
Am I doing good enough?
I wish I could go back to my youth.
- 吉野川 / 千葉一夫
- もしかしたら世界も笑うREMIX / DELI
- キョーコとタカシ / ジェロ
- piece / 新垣結衣
- Jarring fly / girugamesh
- 泉鏡花原作「婦系図」より お蔦 / 島津亜矢
- アンスー / 矢野まき
- too BAD, too FAKE / lecca
- revelation / フルカワユタカ
- Ex-Girlfriend / w-inds.
- オーシャンOKINAWA / きいやま商店
- お元気ミーちゃん / 井上あずみ
- 流れの旅路 / 清水博正
- 光 / Full Of Harmony
- Bitter & Sweet / RYTHEM
- オアシス / Bahashishi
- Don't stop music! / MISIA
- 大人の唄/Une chanson pour les grands / 小泉今日子
- LIKE、重ねていく feat.幾田りら / 山崎育三郎
- コミュニケイション / 高橋瞳
- 宝石 / 後藤真希
- トライアングラー / 坂本真綾
- ラヴソング / ONE☆DRAFT
- 車線変更25時 / キンモクセイ
- 真夏の路上~午前3時のWILD BOY~ / 吉田栄作
- ダンスで街にくり出そう(Do you wanna dance) / 中村あゆみ
- 写真(あるばむ) / 天童よしみ
- Island Dancer -noviembre MIX- / 有里知花
- グッディグッディ / Sweet Vacation