Thinking of sweetness, stuffed myself even more
Afraid it'd run out, had to get even more
Dripping with honey, ran to store even more
Gorging, got nauseous, vomited everywhere
I thought that full was something better
Detestable is how it feels
Why must this be?
The honey used to taste delightful
Was it a poison actually
There to trap me?
Am I cursed? I've slighted no one
And I'm sure I know myself
The best so something's not right
This self is the only thing I love
To hear, to smell, to see, to touch
To taste is irreplaceable, no less
Afraid it'd run out, had to get even more
Dripping with honey, ran to store even more
Gorging, got nauseous, vomited everywhere
I thought that full was something better
Detestable is how it feels
Why must this be?
The honey used to taste delightful
Was it a poison actually
There to trap me?
Am I cursed? I've slighted no one
And I'm sure I know myself
The best so something's not right
This self is the only thing I love
To hear, to smell, to see, to touch
To taste is irreplaceable, no less
- Paradise Alley / 小山卓治
- Walk This Way / RHYMESTER
- 星砂 / Kiroro
- 恋と友情 / 伊勢大貴
- 夏の花火と君と青 / DIALOGUE+
- ダーナ / まいたけ
- こだま / 高野寛
- Kiss Kiss Kiss / 小野大輔
- おかしのすきなかいぞく / 水谷玲子
- 二人の彼 / 藤田麻衣子
- Only Only You / エリコ(橋本ちなみ)
- Good Bye, Good Luck / 遠藤正明
- パーマ屋ゆんた / 加藤登紀子
- 桔梗の咲く頃 / 半崎美子
- ソウソウ / ナターリア(生田輝)
- ぼくらの歩む道 / 住岡梨奈
- 男の一念 / 北島三郎
- Easy Life, Easy Curry -カレーメシのうた- / 亜咲花
- Automatic / 森内寛樹
- B級映画 / BORO
- 光さす場所 / 長瀬実夕
- 前前前世 (movie ver.) / RADWIMPS
- 光 / luz
- ワイルドで行こう(Born To Be Wild) / THE STALIN
- 夢色グラフィティ / 逢沢夏海(寿美菜子)・水越紗季(高垣彩陽)
- ALONE EN LA VIDA / L'Arc~en~Ciel
- walk / 倖田來未
- パラレルワールド / MINMI
- スマイル☆ピース / エリス(伊藤かな恵)・金武城真奈美(戸松遥)・双葉アオイ(花澤香菜)