Summer comes around
Going out of town
Let's go to the mountain
The train is southbound
Pack clothes in a bag
Let's go to the ocean
I hear the hum of mosquitoes
Need to guard myself
I've been losing the battle every year
I must prepare an insect repellant spray
Noise in my ears
A great battle begins
I get attacked by mosquitoes
The target is me
They have no mercy
Take out my secret weapon
Alcohol and peppermint oil
Mixed with some water
Victory is in my hand
With a peppermint insect repellant spray
Summer is over
But I can't feel relieved
I still have bug bites
Peppermint oil spray
Always in my hand
I don't fear anymore
Peppermint, Peppermint Attack
Going out of town
Let's go to the mountain
The train is southbound
Pack clothes in a bag
Let's go to the ocean
I hear the hum of mosquitoes
Need to guard myself
I've been losing the battle every year
I must prepare an insect repellant spray
Noise in my ears
A great battle begins
I get attacked by mosquitoes
The target is me
They have no mercy
Take out my secret weapon
Alcohol and peppermint oil
Mixed with some water
Victory is in my hand
With a peppermint insect repellant spray
Summer is over
But I can't feel relieved
I still have bug bites
Peppermint oil spray
Always in my hand
I don't fear anymore
Peppermint, Peppermint Attack