Come and ride a train
Here it comes again
We all like to ride the train
(We all like to ride the train)
It takes us so far away
It's me and you
Our dreams come true
Let's ride the train today
Come and ride the bus
Ride along with us
We all love the bus, we do
(We all love the bus, we do)
Please laugh along with us
It's me and you
Our dreams come true
Let's ride the bus today
Ride a spaceship into space
Someday it might come true
The world there below us
See the train, and there's the bus
It's me and you
Our dreams come true
Let's ride away
Let's ride away
Here it comes again
We all like to ride the train
(We all like to ride the train)
It takes us so far away
It's me and you
Our dreams come true
Let's ride the train today
Come and ride the bus
Ride along with us
We all love the bus, we do
(We all love the bus, we do)
Please laugh along with us
It's me and you
Our dreams come true
Let's ride the bus today
Ride a spaceship into space
Someday it might come true
The world there below us
See the train, and there's the bus
It's me and you
Our dreams come true
Let's ride away
Let's ride away
- ごちそうさまの うた / 佐々木萌
- 僕らだけの未来 / 森一馬
- 涙がキラリ☆ / スピッツ
- 思い出ホテル / 石原裕次郎
- 酒しずく / 夏木綾子
- 本荘追分 / 秋田県民謡
- ブーメラン ストリート / 西城秀樹
- 思い出の名前 / 大上ゆーや
- Intimate Times / IO, Tuimi, King Promdi
- 鮮やかな愛憎 / 大上ゆーや
- Don't Belong / SHADOWS
- 飾りの言葉 / 牧謙次郎
- トゥキャタキャン / 8.6秒バズーカー
- ゴリエのテーマ2006 / Gorie with Jasmine & Joann
- ふたりの明日 / 渥美二郎
- ATTRACTION (feat. MIYACHI) [Japanese Remix] / BUMKEY
- Conscious / Survive Said The Prophet
- 素顔 / Arakezuri
- 嘘だよ / オーノキヨフミ
- Ready For The Party / 全日本パリピ協會
- 恋人たちの祈り(GET AWAY) / 太田裕美&ゴスペラーズ
- Liar / Ido Kyo
- よっしゃーい / 8.6秒バズーカー
- レインボウ / EVERGREEN LELAND STUDIO(はりーP、Heavenz、前略P、koyori、yukkedoluce、YoP) feat. 初音ミク
- Catch The Dream / CLIMBER
- ふたり / 浜本沙良
- 北山しぐれ / 川中美幸
- クレイジー・サマー / キリンジ
- 廃人のロックンロール / 黒猫チェルシー
- 3分ブッキング / ケツメイシ