Hey, how are you doing now?
You seem to look for someone
Recognizes you
Hey, how are you doing now?
I guess I'm doing ok
Though we had some tough times
So we don't know what to believe
How many things are wholly changed?
But I think that we don't have to
Brood over anymore
Starting over
We can start over
Hey, hey
We're walking in a parade
Sometimes, we forget
How much love we've been given
Hey, hey
Now we know we're living in
A beautiful world
So don't say “Good bye”
Hey, hey
We're walking in a parade
Sometimes, we forget
How much love we've been given
Hey, hey
Now we know we're living in
A beautiful world
So don't say “Good bye”
Hey, how are you doing now?
I'm glad if you're doing fine
Do you find something new?
Hey, how are you doing now?
I'll thank the sun for bringing
A brand new day and blue sky
You seem to look for someone
Recognizes you
Hey, how are you doing now?
I guess I'm doing ok
Though we had some tough times
So we don't know what to believe
How many things are wholly changed?
But I think that we don't have to
Brood over anymore
Starting over
We can start over
Hey, hey
We're walking in a parade
Sometimes, we forget
How much love we've been given
Hey, hey
Now we know we're living in
A beautiful world
So don't say “Good bye”
Hey, hey
We're walking in a parade
Sometimes, we forget
How much love we've been given
Hey, hey
Now we know we're living in
A beautiful world
So don't say “Good bye”
Hey, how are you doing now?
I'm glad if you're doing fine
Do you find something new?
Hey, how are you doing now?
I'll thank the sun for bringing
A brand new day and blue sky
Jam Fuzz Kidの人気歌詞ランキング
Jam Fuzz Kidの新着歌詞
- 重すぎる女 / イノキン
- 今夜はふたり / 大月みやこ・弦哲也
- グレーテル / Adam's miss
- 木枯らしのクリスマス / 島倉千代子・片岡鶴太郎
- 春風 / メメタァ
- Lonely / FAITH
- 起きないあいつ / FAN TAN feat.The Uncoloured
- 手強い自分 / アイロウ&タカ
- Kinds of Knot / Predawn
- Coleus / THE TREES
- Take It Easy / w.o.d.
- あいつのLIFE / シンリズム
- DENIM / マコトコンドウ
- Empty feat.Le Makeup / パソコン音楽クラブ
- 含羞航海記 / THE BARRETT
- Firefly / JASPER
- カザハナ / eico
- 蟲の溜息 / ハンサムケンヤ
- ぞうきん / BAKU
- 何度もキミの名前を叫ぶ / Nina Pelea
- compΛss / Jamgo Five
- 一番楽しいところ / 佐久間一行
- ファインプレーを君と一緒に~GO!GO!ジャイアンツ~ / 五木ひろし with チームジャビッツ21 feat.徳光和夫
- 幽霊 / ココロヤミ,Taahii
- この場所から / MILKRUN
- 臆病な嘘ツキ / ナナカラット
- メランコリック・ママ / 小林幸子・木の実ナナ