Say what you like, don't need to care
You all bunch of noise I outgrew
my life is like a speed of light
sick of this, ain't gonna stop for you
high driving through the neon lights
you ain't even in the sideview
move out the way, just stay away
never try to tame, I'm not the shrew
don't get the story wrong
Hey It's a never ending story
It's so dangerous, I'm the fighter
never surrender. What about you?
Running Fast into the night this highway
Get out my way now way now way now
I don't care about can'ts or won'ts that you spit
The wall is not for me
all them yaps came back it's just goes round and round
now it's coming back to you
I know my way
it's down the crave
Digging graves
this is so dreadful
no need for this
it's all just stress
I don't want to play the game of tool
Never know what the hells inside your mind
Why you hide the truth
[you] ridiculed
just full of lies and hate
all mixed in a mount it's going down the hole
say what you want and yet you won't
It's a same old story
It's so dangerous, I'm the fighter
never surrender. What about you?
Running Fast into the night this highway
Get out my way now way now way now
I don't care about can'ts or won'ts that you spit
The wall is not for me
all them yaps came back it's just goes round and round
now it's coming back to you
You can hate me now
I will kiss you now
Cuz I gon do my thing
See you later
Cuz I'm the fighter now
Hey now hey now hey now
It's so dangerous, I'm the fighter
never surrender. What about you?
Running Fast into the night this highway
Get out my way now way now way now
I don't care about can'ts or won'ts that you spit
The wall is not for me
all them yaps came back it's just goes round and round
now it's coming back to you
You all bunch of noise I outgrew
my life is like a speed of light
sick of this, ain't gonna stop for you
high driving through the neon lights
you ain't even in the sideview
move out the way, just stay away
never try to tame, I'm not the shrew
don't get the story wrong
Hey It's a never ending story
It's so dangerous, I'm the fighter
never surrender. What about you?
Running Fast into the night this highway
Get out my way now way now way now
I don't care about can'ts or won'ts that you spit
The wall is not for me
all them yaps came back it's just goes round and round
now it's coming back to you
I know my way
it's down the crave
Digging graves
this is so dreadful
no need for this
it's all just stress
I don't want to play the game of tool
Never know what the hells inside your mind
Why you hide the truth
[you] ridiculed
just full of lies and hate
all mixed in a mount it's going down the hole
say what you want and yet you won't
It's a same old story
It's so dangerous, I'm the fighter
never surrender. What about you?
Running Fast into the night this highway
Get out my way now way now way now
I don't care about can'ts or won'ts that you spit
The wall is not for me
all them yaps came back it's just goes round and round
now it's coming back to you
You can hate me now
I will kiss you now
Cuz I gon do my thing
See you later
Cuz I'm the fighter now
Hey now hey now hey now
It's so dangerous, I'm the fighter
never surrender. What about you?
Running Fast into the night this highway
Get out my way now way now way now
I don't care about can'ts or won'ts that you spit
The wall is not for me
all them yaps came back it's just goes round and round
now it's coming back to you
- 冒険のはじまりだ!! / KAORI
- Legend-Changer (Game Size) / オグリキャップ(高柳知葉)、エルコンドルパサー(高橋ミナミ)、ナリタブライアン(衣川里佳)、シンボリルドルフ(田所あずさ)、シーキングザパール(福原綾香)、スマートファルコン(大和田仁美)、ミスターシービー(天海由梨奈)、キタサンブラック(矢野妃菜喜)、シリウスシンボリ(ファイルーズあい)、メジロラモーヌ(東山奈央)、ホッコータルマエ(菊池紗矢香)、シーザリオ(佐藤榛夏)、オルフェーヴル(日笠陽子)、ジェンティルドンナ(芹澤優)、アーモンドアイ(石原夏織)、実況(女性)(明坂聡美)
- あなたの若さが怖いのよ / 北原由紀
- 僕らの日常 / タニザワトモフミ
- 秋桜 / 由紀さおり・安田祥子
- レヴ / ユナイト
- GLOW / idom
- たった一瞬 / YouNique
- 君を信じて / さだまさし
- 19(nineteen) / 岡村靖幸
- もしも / yutori
- 薔薇色のジェラシー / BLOW
- だけど… / 高田みづえ
- 冬子のブルース / ロス・プリモス
- Brilliant Stars / 河村隆一
- 君が思い出になる前に / 島谷ひとみ
- こたつたこ / 栗原正己
- りりィ・グッド・バイ / りりィ
- 妖艶な罪~私はマボロシを愛したの?~ / 如月レオン
- クソガキの唄 / 太陽族
- Visualize / 伊沢麻未
- みずいろインサイド / 室戸亜岐(中原麻衣)
- MESSIN' ft. Jay Park, Bryce / MIYACHI
- あったらコワイセレナーデ~ベスト・オブ・最近~ / 嘉門タツオ
- 湯ぎり ~俺たちの生き様~ / 小山理樹
- 三度目のデュエット ~シャバドゥビデュ~ / ハニー・シックス
- It's Brand New / COLOR
- truth / 実原氷里(水橋かおり)