grey skies are cloudy with regret
what we don't understand's all wasted
hoping for the best
soon we say our goodbyes
blue seas are supposed calm us down
testing the water out drop by drop
hoping for some rest
soon we'll say our hellos
we're honest people lying to be heard
but we're still just growing,
still just learning who we are and where we all belong
hoping for the best
soon we say our goodbyes
we're all just people, lonely people
but we're still just growing,
still just learning who we are and where we go from here
we're still just growing,
still just learning who we are and where we all belong
what we don't understand's all wasted
hoping for the best
soon we say our goodbyes
blue seas are supposed calm us down
testing the water out drop by drop
hoping for some rest
soon we'll say our hellos
we're honest people lying to be heard
but we're still just growing,
still just learning who we are and where we all belong
hoping for the best
soon we say our goodbyes
we're all just people, lonely people
but we're still just growing,
still just learning who we are and where we go from here
we're still just growing,
still just learning who we are and where we all belong
THE CHARM PARKの人気歌詞ランキング
- 帰ってきたサマーウルフ / 逗子三兄弟
- 君のBirthday / スターダスト☆レビュー
- 歌にして贈る言葉 / MEGARYU
- 心の音 / ジャパハリネット
- うた / より子
- KO.A.KU.MA feat. Noa / LGYankees & Gipper
- アルミナ / ナイトメア
- シーズン / Snappers
- THIS IS STILL OK / カジヒデキ
- ストロベリー シャンティー / 榎本くるみ
- 愛の唄 / 大野靖之
- あなたのままで / MIEKO
- エメラルド / 榎本くるみ
- 夫婦桜 / やしまひろみ
- アマノガワ / ゴーストノート
- Cycle / 櫛引彩香
- ヤンガリー / 特撮
- ありがとう / 大橋卓弥
- ワシントン広場の夜は更けて / ダーク・ダックス
- 青い夏に身をまかせ / Litz CO.
- MOON WALK / Cornelius
- 時を越えて / 松雪泰子
- My life is great / 伊集院メイ(田村ゆかり)
- 雨傘物語 / 森翼
- その夢は何色? / 櫻井智
- no.8 / Snappers
- Miss MOONLIGHT / 黒夢
- 忘却という名の丘~Silence~ / JUSTY-NASTY