Void_Chords feat.LIO
トライブナイン エンディング
作詞:Konnie Aoki
Dark alleyways evoke insanity
Night is hushed and wet
And I'm hearing words confined below
Through the view
I pretend I feel everything
But cannot control or fuse my mind
Sound of strides
Tower shade
And the clouds part
Vision slides
Clap awake
Now to glide high
Listen to that voice in disarray
New reception chosen
So to awake emotion
Look into that deep down, ignite
True perception's open
And now you're aware
It's bright in sight
Memories in town repeat
What I've kept in mind
Draws afar a new path we ride
Striving force till I'm found tonight
So, realize
Distortion leads to vision's clarity
“One day, I could reach an answer”
While in secret, we all keep struggling
I can hear it
Someone's signal for some help again
As every sound is drowned in life
Splash of light
Passing rain
Ground reflects skies
Stars align
Path in range
Now to glide high
Listen to that voice in disarray
New reception chosen
So to awake emotion
Look into that light deep down, ignite
True perception's open
And now you've almost brushed the sky
Cast aside all insight
And transcending what stars confine
Transformation outside your mind
Spreading wider than one may find
Now, everything's in focus
Past what you've seen, advance
Inner spark within burn, enhance
Thrive into conviction
My feet are moving, I'm on my way
Through the view
I can clearly feel everything
The world has shown the proof it's time
Listen to that voice in disarray
New reception chosen
So to awake emotion
Look into that light deep down, ignite
True perception's open
And now you're aware
It's bright in sight
Memories in town repeat
What I've kept in mind
Draws afar a new path we ride
Spreading forth new light
Always retains perception
Clear and bright
Revealing answers deep inside
Striving force till I'm found tonight
Void_Chords feat.LIOの人気歌詞ランキング
Void_Chords feat.LIOの新着歌詞
- 港町 涙町 別れ町 / 一条貫太
- おおきなクマのいえ / ももくろちゃんZ
- 100%男女交際 (VersionII) / 小泉今日子
- 地球をどんどん / こおろぎ'73・コロムビアゆりかご会
- 寒波襲来
/ 風男塾
- いつものようにLOVE&PEACE!! / 小鳥遊宗太(福山潤)・佐藤潤(小野大輔)・相馬博臣(神谷浩史)
- あなたのために… / INFIX
- 光と闇のミラージュ / 鈴木杏奈
- Fragrance / GACKT
- 花の色 / 渡辺典子
- Believe My Dice ~シトリー ソロver.~ / シトリー(松岡禎丞)
- ラプソディ・インブルー / ジョニー大倉
- 昨日までは / ジョニー大倉
- あいちゃく / マコトコンドウ
- 決意の朝 / May'n
- Self-harm / aquarifa
- They Fight Now / globe
- Brave soul / 蜻蛉切
- 走れ正直者 / 帰宅部 sleepiece(さくら学院)
- お茶しよ / チャラン・ポ・ランタン
- Plan A/B / Double Ace
- 関東一本〆 / 福田こうへい
- Me too I love you / 藤井フミヤ
- 以心伝心ディストーション / MOSHIMO
- 再考 / 島爺
- Sunday Drive / SCANDAL
- Days of Love / 竹内まりや
- Starlight / YMCK