Unmetabolized emotions, The hatred that reflects diffusely.
Drag it down.
There is no point in wanting everything.
You don't need to be better than anyone else.
That's always the obstacle.
A feeling of missing out on something.
That's always the obstacle.
The feeling of being told, “You missed doing it.”
I do not pity your loneliness.
Hey, your trampled down idealism
How proud are you guys?
Whose fault is it?
All born from weakness.
Where the black tears go.
Who turns worry into money.
And fools who are fooled.
Tell him when you see him.
“Leave it alone.”
Overwhelming reality, drag it down.
All of this will pass
Change yourself just a little bit.
All of this will pass
Change yourself just a little bit.
The middle of someone's road can be the end point.
The understanding moves further toward the vanishing point
Loneliness, that shone until the end
I saw more beauty and felt more warmth than surely anyone else.
But, but
But he chose to.
The wheel turned, until it was worn out.
(Am I now part of the unchanging world?)
I like to think this is beautiful.
Wherever you go.
I saw more beauty and felt more warmth than surely anyone else.
No one's fault.
All born from weakness.
Where the black tears go.
Who turns worry into money.
And fools who are fooled.
Tell him when you see him.
“Leave it alone.”
Overwhelming reality, drag it down.
Drag it down.
There is no point in wanting everything.
You don't need to be better than anyone else.
That's always the obstacle.
A feeling of missing out on something.
That's always the obstacle.
The feeling of being told, “You missed doing it.”
I do not pity your loneliness.
Hey, your trampled down idealism
How proud are you guys?
Whose fault is it?
All born from weakness.
Where the black tears go.
Who turns worry into money.
And fools who are fooled.
Tell him when you see him.
“Leave it alone.”
Overwhelming reality, drag it down.
All of this will pass
Change yourself just a little bit.
All of this will pass
Change yourself just a little bit.
The middle of someone's road can be the end point.
The understanding moves further toward the vanishing point
Loneliness, that shone until the end
I saw more beauty and felt more warmth than surely anyone else.
But, but
But he chose to.
The wheel turned, until it was worn out.
(Am I now part of the unchanging world?)
I like to think this is beautiful.
Wherever you go.
I saw more beauty and felt more warmth than surely anyone else.
No one's fault.
All born from weakness.
Where the black tears go.
Who turns worry into money.
And fools who are fooled.
Tell him when you see him.
“Leave it alone.”
Overwhelming reality, drag it down.
- まじdeはっぴぃウェディング メタモルフォーゼ→シンデレラソングッ!!! / ふぇありーているず!
- マイフレンド / 住岡梨奈
- BEST FRIEND / コブクロ
- もっと / 角松敏生
- 青 / First place
- 刃生道 / 太郎太刀(泰勇気)/次郎太刀(宮下栄治)
- If you… / 原由実
- LOVE FUTURE / 森口博子
- My Love's Sold / syrup16g
- アロハの花 / BEGIN
- 夢告げで人 / 安藤裕子
- 真冬のウサギ / 芳本美代子
- お泣きなさい / 森光子
- My Only Love / GENERATIONS
- 20th century boy / 椎名慶治
- 語りかけ / 森進一
- JUMP / 後藤沙緒里
- 君への想い / 嵐
- feel the wind / Janne Da Arc
- 声を失った人魚姫 / 岡田奈々
- Over Days / Lienel
- Flyで飛んで / ヒロ(後藤邑子)
- 夢の続きをソングする / グミ
- わからん / 在日ファンク
- ハロ/ハワユ / 96猫
- 明日の風 / 山田パンダ
- 魔法にかけられて / 山根万理奈