The sky is so angry.
People were doing again, weren't they?
“What's up sons of Adam”
Please don't repeat the fuckin' same mistakes.
“Don't eat fuckin' forbidden fruit.”
Please guys don't sing fuckin' government song.
“Let's sing a song of THE BLUE HEARTS”
Let's boys keep on looking on the sunny side.
“Let's slip on a banana peel”
Open your mind. Open your eyes.
Love yourself. Song for you.
How many boys be killed by fuckin' wars.
Every fuckin' stupid, stop it stop that now.
Don't cry no more. After rain comes sunshine.
I'm sure that we will be so happy.
Anything anything everything song for you.
Your loving smile, loving words.
I wanna close to your love.
Anything anything everything song for you.
Forever green. Forever blue.
Never end LOVE and PEACE and SONG
People were doing again, weren't they?
“What's up sons of Adam”
Please don't repeat the fuckin' same mistakes.
“Don't eat fuckin' forbidden fruit.”
Please guys don't sing fuckin' government song.
“Let's sing a song of THE BLUE HEARTS”
Let's boys keep on looking on the sunny side.
“Let's slip on a banana peel”
Open your mind. Open your eyes.
Love yourself. Song for you.
How many boys be killed by fuckin' wars.
Every fuckin' stupid, stop it stop that now.
Don't cry no more. After rain comes sunshine.
I'm sure that we will be so happy.
Anything anything everything song for you.
Your loving smile, loving words.
I wanna close to your love.
Anything anything everything song for you.
Forever green. Forever blue.
Never end LOVE and PEACE and SONG
- COLD WIND / 尾崎豊
- 浅草の唄 / 関敬六
- Peaky Peaky / Leo/need
- タンブルウィード・ストーリー / 山中さわお
- 証明-アカシ- / First place
- シンプルな未来 / 鈴村健一
- 教えない / ExWHYZ
- 幸せのカテゴリー / Mr.Children
- ○地点から / 椎名林檎
- 珈菲ワンサイドD.C. / 煌めき☆アンフォレント
- 大宴会 / ハンバート ハンバート
- 人を恋うる唄 / 森進一
- SINGLE / 山下久美子
- 桜色桜風 / 長野博(V6)
- my sweet tears / bijous
- Tangerine / SPARKS GO GO
- 恋の必要十分条件 / 水谷優子・小林優子
- 泣き虫“チャチャ”の物語 / 風見しんご
- Everlasting Love / 中森明菜
- 花曇りの日曜日 / DREAMS COME TRUE
- 忍ばず・ものがたり ~メリーゴーランドと君と~ / KANA
- 恋はあせらず / 桜井梨穂子(新谷良子)
- 船出 / 下成佐登子
- おい仕事ッ! / WEST.
- 青い空はポケットさ / 大杉久美子
- むげんるーぷ / 岸洋佑
- Punkadelic Devil / 新谷良子
- イラヨイ月夜浜 / RYOEI
- ルーシーの子どもたち / ソウル・フラワー・ユニオン
- Giulietta / THE COLLECTORS