Answering my own questions snuggled up in bed, “Why? Oh, why?”
There's no mental stimulation lastly, despair, failure, confusion.
But for who do and why do I... for who and why do I exist?
Attitude, words, with no place to go,
so lethargic when I'm like this.
Deny it all, close your eyes toward depression and melancholy
blindly stretching out my hand, what do I want to grab?
What am I hoping to grasp?
The exaltation that I lost, I'm taking a negative view of my hopes,
hopes and future, trap them in, look away in pain,
embracing the hopes of losing the bruises,
wrapping up the bruised heart and healing it.
No need to rush, don't rush it, the guide is growing every day.
All the time, all the time.
I was freezing, but got healed by the warmth.
I got from those all 'round me, so many times.
All the time, all the time.
I was freezing, but got healed by the warmth.
I got from those all 'round me, keep looking for your warm hearts.
There's no mental stimulation lastly, despair, failure, confusion.
But for who do and why do I... for who and why do I exist?
Attitude, words, with no place to go,
so lethargic when I'm like this.
Deny it all, close your eyes toward depression and melancholy
blindly stretching out my hand, what do I want to grab?
What am I hoping to grasp?
The exaltation that I lost, I'm taking a negative view of my hopes,
hopes and future, trap them in, look away in pain,
embracing the hopes of losing the bruises,
wrapping up the bruised heart and healing it.
No need to rush, don't rush it, the guide is growing every day.
All the time, all the time.
I was freezing, but got healed by the warmth.
I got from those all 'round me, so many times.
All the time, all the time.
I was freezing, but got healed by the warmth.
I got from those all 'round me, keep looking for your warm hearts.
- そして君と恋をする / 金色の闇&モモ&ララ&ナナ
- 彼女はRainbow-Children / m.c.A・T
- Destiny / メイビーME
- イマジネーション / SPYAIR
- アリア -Air- / 中島みゆき
- ケンタウロスの夜 / NANIMONO
- 影を慕いて / 島倉千代子
- Eternity / AiRI
- 高濃度異分子的世界 / Ever!BE迷わないっっ!!
- かたちのない魅力 / 鈴木彩子
- 闇雲 / sleepyhead
- Spread Love / May J.
- (TOT) / スチャダラパー
- 素敵をあつめて / 薬師丸ひろ子
- Be star / ひびき from BEST FRIENDS!
- 僕らのリアル / 常盤ゆう
- 曖・アイ・愛 / ASCA
- 隔離病棟 / KEI
- 東京だよおっ母さん / 竹村こずえ
- 苺 / 大沢桃子
- 白い蝶のサンバ / SILVA
- 君の正体 / ACIDMAN
- One Side Liar / 吉川晃司
- ひざしのいろ / 石井竜也
- Ba・Ca / とんねるず
- AI ha MABOROSHI / モーモールルギャバン
- EDEN / Knight A - 騎士A -
- Elephant / プリシラ・アーン
- I gotta take you shamanippon / 堂本剛