She's smiling.
Though she seems lonely for some reason.
I worry about that.
Is that because I'm in love?
That song was heard.
Then I remember her.
She has a beautiful lip.
And that looks like a doll.
But I know
But I know
I know that it's unrelated.
She's crying.
So I spoke to her gently.
She just says‘It's OK.’
She doesn't open her heart.
I understand.
There is someone in her heart.
So I'm not supposed to fall in love for her.
I know
I know
I know that it's unrelated.
So I know
So I know
I know that it's unrelated.
Though she seems lonely for some reason.
I worry about that.
Is that because I'm in love?
That song was heard.
Then I remember her.
She has a beautiful lip.
And that looks like a doll.
But I know
But I know
I know that it's unrelated.
She's crying.
So I spoke to her gently.
She just says‘It's OK.’
She doesn't open her heart.
I understand.
There is someone in her heart.
So I'm not supposed to fall in love for her.
I know
I know
I know that it's unrelated.
So I know
So I know
I know that it's unrelated.
the pillowsの人気歌詞ランキング
the pillowsの新着歌詞
- 兄弟達よ / 北島三郎
- 銀座でツイスト / 仲宗根美樹
- メモリーズ / ROUND TABLE featuring Nino
- アンダルシアに憧れて / 少年隊
- ビリジアン / ワカバ
- 恋の曼珠沙華 / 美空ひばり
- とんとんとん / ペギー葉山
- Never end / 藤木直人
- 人間進化論 / C&K
- 帰って来やれ / 水城なつみ
- セブン☆ピース / アップアップガールズ(仮)
- Nights a Brighter / BREAKERZ
- 月影の自鳴琴 / D
- もももで歌うよどこまでも / ヤバイTシャツ屋さん
- Air / Homecomings
- 恋はトマト色 / デューク・エイセス&中山千夏
- Lucky for you / KISHOW (from GRANRODEO)
- FANTASY / 日暮愛葉
- あなたのために弾きたい / 生田絵梨花(乃木坂46)
- かたまり / YUKI
- Blue Sky / 大国男児
- ハローグッバイ / Suck a Stew Dry
- 月の浜辺 / 秋元順子
- ノアの方舟 / ハンバート ハンバート
- バードマン / コアラモード.
- ゆうびんポストのサンデー / 井上喜久子
- あやふわアスタリスク / DIALOGUE+
- 恋人たちのハッピーバースデー feat. 望月蒼太(梶裕貴)・早坂あかり(阿澄佳奈) / HoneyWorks
- それでも朝は来る / 藤田麻衣子