Mama, do you remember the old straw hat you gave to me
I lost the hat long ago, flew to the foggy canyon
Yeah Mama, I wonder what happened to that old straw hat
Falling down the mountain side out of my reach like your heart
Suddenly the wind came up
Stealing my hat from me
Swirling whirling gusts of wind
Blowing it higher away
Mama, that old straw hat was the only one I really loved
But we lost it, no one could bring it back like the life you gave me
Suddenly the wind came up
Stealing my hat far from me
Swirling whirling gusts of wind
Blowing it higher away
Mama, that old straw hat was the only one I really loved
But we lost it, no one could bring it back like the life you gave me
Like the life you gave me
I lost the hat long ago, flew to the foggy canyon
Yeah Mama, I wonder what happened to that old straw hat
Falling down the mountain side out of my reach like your heart
Suddenly the wind came up
Stealing my hat from me
Swirling whirling gusts of wind
Blowing it higher away
Mama, that old straw hat was the only one I really loved
But we lost it, no one could bring it back like the life you gave me
Suddenly the wind came up
Stealing my hat far from me
Swirling whirling gusts of wind
Blowing it higher away
Mama, that old straw hat was the only one I really loved
But we lost it, no one could bring it back like the life you gave me
Like the life you gave me
- 倖せ番外地 / 天童よしみ
- HEAT CAPACITY / T.M.Revolution
- Arrow of Pain / 鬼束ちひろ
- 独白 / サンタラ
- 女の駅 / 大月みやこ
- おいてきぼり / 矢吹じゅん
- 想い出ぼろぼろ / 内藤やす子
- 語り / 光GENJI
- もう一度逢いたい / 八代亜紀
- 美しき絆 ~ハンド・イン・ハンド~ / アリス
- 真昼の東京 / おおはた雄一
- 高速戦隊ターボレンジャー / 佐藤健太
- I'm Here / 小比類巻かほる
- 真冬の魚 / bkoz
- さよなら街の灯(シティライツ) / 堂島孝平
- 月の裏側 / ロイ・マスタング(大川透)
- 恋 / 松山千春
- GIRLFRIEND / 安室奈美恵
- 蛍 / TUBE
- Hover Hover / bonobos
- 一杯のコーヒーから / 霧島昇&ミス・コロムビア
- サイレンの少年 ~遠くで抱きしめて~ / 石川秀美
- 川千鳥 / 氷川きよし
- 最後のホーム / I WiSH
- 哀しい気分でジョーク / ビートたけし&たけし軍団
- 清く正しく行こう / LINDBERG
- 深呼吸 / 陣内大蔵
- ABORT//CLEAR / T.M.Revolution
- キャラバン / 氷川きよし
- 青い悲しみの向こうに / TUBE