How long must I wait?
The hopes that I chase
Whether it's too late
If my bird has flown
The dreamer you've been
Your little girl has become
What should I do?
Your plans fell through for you
But I must believe in myself
But I must believe in myself
Don't say goodbye
Two birds are flying high
And I must leave on a wind only for the few
Dangerous and lonely times there may be
She's forever asking will she leave
Is this what a dreamer should feel?
Just over those clouds
A beauty awaits
Horizons and gates
To green fields old and new
A taste of a life calling
The smiles and their hands waving me in
Look down my precious town
Happiness begins for me now!
Happiness begins for me now!
Don't say goodbye
I will fly much higher still
A taste of pride, Giving in's such a bitter pill
Even though there's much that I'll never know
Deep inside my heart these feelings grow
I'd rather not give up my dream
Don't say goodbye
Are the clouds forever new?
Inspiring me feather's can change from grey to blue
Every second children are being born
I can keep the world they enter warm and still
full of the spirit of dawn
The hopes that I chase
Whether it's too late
If my bird has flown
The dreamer you've been
Your little girl has become
What should I do?
Your plans fell through for you
But I must believe in myself
But I must believe in myself
Don't say goodbye
Two birds are flying high
And I must leave on a wind only for the few
Dangerous and lonely times there may be
She's forever asking will she leave
Is this what a dreamer should feel?
Just over those clouds
A beauty awaits
Horizons and gates
To green fields old and new
A taste of a life calling
The smiles and their hands waving me in
Look down my precious town
Happiness begins for me now!
Happiness begins for me now!
Don't say goodbye
I will fly much higher still
A taste of pride, Giving in's such a bitter pill
Even though there's much that I'll never know
Deep inside my heart these feelings grow
I'd rather not give up my dream
Don't say goodbye
Are the clouds forever new?
Inspiring me feather's can change from grey to blue
Every second children are being born
I can keep the world they enter warm and still
full of the spirit of dawn
- Breaking Bloom!!! / DressingPafe
- きっと青春が聞こえる(ELI Mix) / 絢瀬絵里(南條愛乃)
- あなたのトモダチ / 古内東子
- サヨナラと君が言った / 愛乙女☆DOLL
- オーバーラップワルツ / HUSKING BEE
- はじまりのうた / たんこぶちん
- 私の16才 / 小泉今日子
- すずめのお宿 / 童謡・唱歌
- 上を向いて歩こう / 佐々木真央
- 明日になったら / SA.RI.NA
- あの子をさそって海へ行こう / 横山だいすけ、三谷たくみ
- ウルトライダー / PENICILLIN
- 風に向かって走れ / 谷口宗一
- ツギハギブギウギ'97 / ウルフルズ
- It's Not Love / Cutemen
- 愛の氷河 / いしだあゆみ
- 五十歩百歩 / OJS48
- Mata Girl / KOMAGOME
- 追分岬 / 水田かおり
- 宮古ブルーの風 / 水田かおり
- 熱 / aiko
- I am a cloudy girl / 佐藤聡美
- まんげつの夜 / ナオト・インティライミ
- Popcorn / new F7avors
- 青い瞳 / ジャッキー吉川とブルー・コメッツ
- あたりまえつこのうた にばん / やくしまるえつこ
- 気球に乗ってどこまでも / 秋川雅史
- Did not / BiS